Speed Networking at Inverness Botanic Gardens: A Morning of Connection and Inspiration

This week (on Tuesday 3 September) we hosted our latest event, combining the fast pace of business with the serene beauty of nature – it was certainly a memorable Speed Networking session at the Inverness Botanic Gardens’ Glasshouse.

The unique setting – a stunning glass and steel structure adorned with vibrant flowers and fairy lights – provided the perfect backdrop for a morning of connections and community building.

Paula Nicol, Deputy Chief Executive and Head of Events, captured the spirit of the morning perfectly: “We not only networked at speed, but also in style – in what has arguably been one of our most unique venues yet.”

The event drew a diverse group of both members and non-members, all eager to make new business connections while enjoying the fresh ambiance of the gardens. Attendees were treated to a delightful spread of coffee and pastries before diving into quick-fire introductions, ensuring that everyone had the opportunity to meet a variety of potential business partners.

After the networking session, participants were invited to explore the beautiful surroundings with a guided tour of the Botanic Gardens. This tour provided an inside look at the GROW project, a community initiative focused on promoting wellbeing through horticulture. Inverness Chamber was also pleased to announce that a portion of the event’s proceeds would be donated to support this inspiring project.

Attending this event was Neil Sykes, Director & Co-Founder, Clan Alchemy, who said, “It’s not often anyone gets asked if they would like to go dating (business speed dating – for the avoidance of doubt) in a greenhouse on a Tuesday morning. Yet that is exactly what happened this week thanks to Inverness Business Tinder, aka Inverness Chamber of Commerce.

“At Clan Alchemy our values are Courage, Creativity, and Community – and this type of event speaks to all three. For some of us these kind of things come easy, for others, a healthy dollop of courage is needed to walk through the door. The creativity was supplied by our hosts, do it in a greenhouse! And community is the by-product, both from the event itself and bolstered by seeing the incredible work that GROW project do to boot. Thank you again for organising this.”

Marc Wilson, Head of Marketing & Engagement at High Life Highland, also came along and got a lot out of the session. He said, “My first go at a Speed Networking event yesterday at Inverness Botanic Gardens and I can safely say it was brilliant. Highly recommended as a way to connect with people from various businesses, backgrounds and sectors. And, it got me thinking quickly about my 1-minute pitch! Massive kudos to the Chamber for donating some of the proceeds from yesterday’s event to the GROW project which takes place at the Gardens.

“If your business is looking to hold an event in a stunning location then give the Botanic Gardens some consideration.”

Sharing her personal takeaway, Paula said: “I would imagine that all of today’s attendees have come away with the same thought as me – I really need to do more with my garden!”

“Events like this not only highlight the value of face-to-face networking in our digital age but also showcase the Chamber’s commitment to supporting local initiatives like the GROW project. We look forward to hosting more unique and impactful events that continue to foster connections and support the local community.”

Connecting Supporting Representing