Return of Networking Lunches

We hosted our first networking lunch of 2022 this week at The Strathdearn. The sun was shining and everyone was ready to make connections and re engage with existing ones.

The event, held on March 23rd, was sponsored by DYW Inverness & Central Highland. Developing the Young Workforce aims to connect employers with the future workforce. With a DYW Coordinator in every secondary school, they work with employers through the Young Person’s Guarantee to deliver a varied and relevant range of activities and work experience to inspire and prepare young people to take the next steps into the world of work.

The Young Person’s Guarantee is a commitment to connect every 16 to 24 year old in Scotland to an opportunity. As Employers, by supporting the Young Person’s Guaranatee you can build a workforce with the right skills and experience and put young people at the heart of what you do.

To find out more about getting involved with Developing the Young Workforce and the Young Person’s Guarantee please get in touch with Sandra McCaughey, DYW Employer Engagement Manager. E-mail: Tel: 01463 723735 | Mobile: 07591386321

Connecting Supporting Representing